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RoAnnaSylver's books

2025 Reading Goal

26% complete! RoAnnaSylver has read 8 of 30 books.

Paul Tremblay: Survivor Song (2020, William Morrow) 3 stars

In a matter of weeks, Massachusetts has been overrun by an insidious rabies-like virus that …

Technically well done, personally disappointing

3 stars

Excellently written, extremely pandemic prescient and accurate, and very Aware of one of my least favorite horror tropes, discusses actually subverting it... And then plays it completely straight. Lol. Had me going.

Paul Tremblay: Survivor Song (2020, William Morrow) 3 stars

In a matter of weeks, Massachusetts has been overrun by an insidious rabies-like virus that …

Excellently written, extremely pandemic prescient and accurate, and very Aware of one of my least favorite horror tropes, discusses actually subverting it... And then plays it completely straight. Lol. Had me going.