
reviewed Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor (Who Fears Death, #1)

Nnedi Okorafor: Who Fears Death (Hardcover, 2010, DAW Hardcover) 4 stars

An award-winning literary author presents her first foray into supernatural fantasy with a novel of …

Vibrant and raw

No rating

I looked it up, "Who Fears Death" isn't a debut novel, but it feels like a debut novel in the best possible way. It's emotionally raw, and slightly unfinished in the sense that you can feel the author poured all her ideas and feelings and all the themes she wanted to explore into this book to the point she couldn't possibly get to all of them. The result is something that's brimming with creativity and life. While the book reads mostly like something targeted at a YA audience, it's frank and direct in its discussion of sex and female sexuality in a way that you wouldn't expect to see outside of adult literature, but it lends a lot of power to the story overall. This is something that matters to the author, and you can tell.

The setting in which magic exists next to the left-over technology from an implied …