Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury (French language) 4 stars

Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury. Often regarded as …

Review of 'Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Well this book was somewhat of a disappointment. It seemed so dated and heavy handed. The book was written in 1951 so here was America just coming out of WWII, a world that had seen the rise of fascist governments, the A bomb! the current cold war, McCarthyism... So I guess I can understand what "the future" might have felt like to a "thinking person". Face it, coming out of the war and the atrocities of mankind, the deprivations, people hungered for entertainment, good times, distractions. It might have felt that the real thinking, feeling, creative people were few and far between as America was distracted by buying houses and having children, buying cars and tv sets, plastic drinking glasses and bunk beds...

I feel, the real message here was not that books were "bad", not that television was bad and would rot your brain like the wife Mildred's, but that thoughts themselves were bad. Being a contemplative, introverted person meant perhaps you were questioning "why" when you should just go with the flow, let others in charge do the thinking and worrying. Reading books might lead one to think, to question, and thus be considered dangerous. If you consider McCarthyism and all the furor and blackballing that went in the early 50's it was almost as if you weren't even allowed to THINK about other forms of government, or question the status quo. Don't think like a commie for Christ's sake be happy you're in America, the greatest country in the world! go shopping, smoke a cigarette, relax. The war is over, forget about it.

I guess that idea is still relevant today. Consume, buy, be distracted by reality tv and smart phones. Reading books is boring. You can learn all you need to know on the internet! The IDEA still holds, I just think Mr. Bradbury went about telling his story in a clunky, one dimensional way. The character weren't believable or likable. The dialogue was lame. Why was there a war that destroyed the whole town in an instant? Did I miss something other than, yes, that can happen? This might be an important book. It's just not a great book!