Scott reviewed Predator's gold by Philip Reeve (Predator cities quartet -- 2)
Triangles, airships, submarines, and rolling cities
4 stars
(CW: violence, murder, killing spree, manipulation of minors, child harm, bullying, depression, talk of slavery)
I liked the movie, so I read the book version, and was glad there was more of this interesting world. And this book continues it. Tho maybe a bit unevenly.
This takes place 2 years after the the first book. And for a good while, it seems uninterested in picking up book 1 threads except for Hester and Tom. Who I was glad to see are keeping on with their relationship in the Jeni Hanover. Made all the more genuine with Hester not sure it will last. I could see that doubt in the that character. We also are introduced to a city that is not evil or malicious. Anchorage is relatable compared to its darwinian fellow cities.
But about midway thru the book, book 1 begins come into view more and more. Characters return in one form or another. As the new characters develop. And wheels turn that will change the shape of this world.
There is a love triangle. I'm never fond of them. Mostly in how over done they are or were. But, it is consequential. And also... I think the author was not 100% for doing it. Not sure, but for a triangle, it seem.. less enthusiastic. Or maybe that is how I heard it in my head. He also drops it at the end pretty quick.
This sets up an interesting place to go for the next book.
I do love how fallible these characters are. Hester is kind of a badass, but is equally an insecure person dealing with anything not around violence. And Tom is so naive, but caring along with it. Both do something really bad. And it's not cleaned up neat and pretty.
The story is written competently. The narration can feel like a professor giving a lecture at times. It can be a bit dispassionate. BUT, if you are following the lecture, the world and characters are interesting to learn about.
I had fun. I'm glad to get to learn more about this world. And a bit excited to see where it goes in the next two books.