Great art--the monkey is so expressive! Blends a very classic Chinese style with modern graphic art
The stories Chaiko chose are ones I've mostly seen in other collections, but there were several new ones.
This book is going on my classics shelf!
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Loves classic Western literature as well as discovering new cultures and stories
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SharonC reviewed Monkey King by Chaiko
Review of 'Monkey King' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
SharonC reviewed We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Review of 'We have always lived in the castle' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Captures the casual cruelty that exists in many communities. Several chilling passages are delivered perfectly. Honestly, the part that didn't resonate was the repentance of some of the neighbors.
SharonC reviewed After the Spring by Hélène Aldeguer
SharonC reviewed The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman
Review of 'The Complete Maus' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Tells an amazing story about incomprehensible tragedy
Vladek and Artie are flawed and complicated--which adds so much humanity
Had a great conversation with ChatGPT about nuances in the style of the art: "present day" is in sharper focus while Vladek's memories are sketchier and rougher
It would be amazing to really listen to someone else's story the way Artie tried to hear his father
SharonC reviewed Dragons of spring dawning by Margaret Weis (Chronicles ;)
Review of 'Dragons of Spring Dawning' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Read this in a single sitting when I nursing a bad case of laryngitis!
Far too many "lithe" characters and I got pretty tired of hearing about the hair color of every female character.
The intro of the Death Knight was cool.
SharonC rated Year of wonders: 4 stars

Year of wonders by Geraldine Brooks
This gripping historical novel is based on the true story of Eyam, the "Plague Village," in the rugged mountain spine …
Review of 'Eyes of the Void (The Final Architecture, #2)' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Still satisfying as a series. This book develops Kris--her dueling and role as negotiator. Olli also gets more time in the spotlight.
Very gory death of a gangster clam! Will def read next book.
SharonC rated Draw One in the Dark: 2 stars

Draw One in the Dark by Sarah A. Hoyt
Every one of us has the beast inside. But for Kyrie Smith, the beast is no metaphor. Since she was …
SharonC reviewed Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis
Review of 'Dragons of Autumn Twilight' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
This book is a big part of DnD culture. Glad I read it for that reason. But not a great story and I disliked Goldmoon quite a bit. Too weepy most of the time, and all of the sudden she kills a [spoiler] and becomes [spoiler]?!?
SharonC reviewed At Home by Bill Bryson
SharonC reviewed Albert Camus' The plague by Thomas Merton (Religious dimensions in literature -- 7)
Review of "Albert Camus' The plague" on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
This book shaped so much of my thinking.
How parted lovers really don't think about each other...they put the other person in suspended animation. And not just "weak" relationships....but all relationships.
Should a priest call a doctor and the relationship between faith and medical care.
How important it is to make TIME for friends.
That being disengaged is The Plague.
And now, rereading in 2022, why my memories of COVID are so bland. Because people really can't ponder or react to things so abstract as plague.
SharonC reviewed Privateer by Margaret Weis (Dragon corsairs -- [2])

Margaret Weis: Privateer (2018)
The swashbuckling adventures of Captain Kate Fitzmaurice continues in this thrilling continuation of the epic …
Review of 'Privateer' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Tactic of starting with book #2 wins again. I liked the efficient recaps and backstory version of book #1. Will probably check out the final book
SharonC reviewed Abarat by Clive Barker
SharonC reviewed Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky (The Final Architecture, #1)
Review of 'Shards of Earth (The Final Architecture, #1)' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Creative new alien species. I'm in love with crabs who rent out ad space on their communication devices. I also enjoyed the Essiel and their enslaved races. No reason why a planetary empire should be homogenous or even coordinated.
I skimmed some of the battles which seemed a bit long. I think I will probably read the next one.