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SilenceEtchedOnAWall Locked account

Joined 2 years, 9 months ago

I don't like doing reviews, so I'm just sticking to comments. Really like how bookwyrm lets you do this. I like to make lists and play a bunch of self-designed reading games - nearly everything I read is off some queued list or part of a game. It helps with not being able to pick what to read because I always have a limited number of choices. I'm focusing on reading books by women for the time being.

Current games/lists:

  1. Classics. Sub-categories: (1) mid-18th c, (2) Corvey Women Writers, (3) gothic fiction, (4) Library of Medieval Women, (5) The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe, and (6) earlier classics.

  2. New Fiction. Sub-categories: (1) uncommon Library of Congress categories, (2) translated books, and (3) Graywolf Press.

  3. Moderate to Heavy Reading. Sub-categories: (1) authors I've read before, (2) books I own, (3) international TBR list #1, (4) international TBR list #2, and (5) stuff I put on hold or meant to get back to and never did.

  4. Light Reading. Sub-categories: (1) classic SFF, (2) authors I've read before, (3) 20th c gothic, and (4) books I own.

  5. Influences on Games 1-3.

  6. NF related to select books in Games 1-3.

  7. Started series.

The import I tried way back didn't work - both 'read' and 'to read' are books I've read and I'm missing most of what I tried to add. 'Finish' dates from 2022 are false. Some of the books are the wrong ones. 'Currently-reading' should be correct.

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Just started this one - the author's a possible influence on Elizabeth Bonhote.

Epistolary. Book expects you to pay attention in the beginning with memorizing the family relationships and figuring out who is writing which letter and what everyone's name is, I haven't gotten grounded yet.

Sherrilyn Kenyon: Daemon's Angel (Paperback, Leisure Books (Mm)) No rating

Sent into the body of a beautiful woman by an evil sorceress, Arina, an angel, …

This, apparently, is now connected to the Dark-Hunter novels, too, think this is the last of the older novels I have to catch up on. Otherwise I'm into the 2010's in this series. Kenyon is one of my most-read authors, but I stopped enjoying the series a while back. I'm giving it another chance.

finished reading Sword of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor (Lords of Avalon (1))

Kinley MacGregor: Sword of Darkness (Hardcover, 2006, Thorndike Press) No rating

The new king of Camelot wears no shining armor: Arthur and his knights have fallen …

Kenyon's Dark-Hunter Universe has ballooned to include this one too, so it was in my 'started series' queue.

Think a reviewer nailed it when they suggested it was originally a juvenile work or written soon after the author graduated college.