Janet  Edwards: Earth Girl (Earth Girl, #1) (2012) 4 stars

Review of 'Earth Girl (Earth Girl, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Earth Girl stated off pretty good. Jarra lives on Earth as she is "handicapped" because she cannot live offworld. She is studying to become an Historian which in this novel is more of an archaeologist type of career. But Jarra is keeping her handicap a secret from the "exos", the off world people she is studying with as Earth people are considered primitive primates by many. She plans to announce her handicap at the end of the course and shock them that Earth people can be just as smart and capable as they are!

The premise of the story was really interesting and I was really enjoying the novel up until about the half way mark. But then the author did something to Jarra with little or no warning and the story became somewhat confusing as a result. With this change Jarra seemed to become very Mary Sue like, overly confident and a bit of a know it all - always knowing how to do everything and saving the day when there are other more experienced characters available in several of the situations they find themselves in.

Several chapters later and the change was resolved but then it was almost as if the author had grown weary of writing the story and just wanted to wrap things up. The ending is weak, with the announcement/discovery of Jarra's handicap by the others being completely glossed over and it felt like the point of the novel was lost in the end.

All told, Earth Girl was a good, quick read. The characters were interesting, and there was a good blend of science fiction and history. I'll definitely check out book two in the series, but my expectations are not as good as they were for book one.