Review of "Unsettled: what climate science tells us, what it doesn't, and why it matters" on 'Goodreads'
1 star
This book was written as an excuse to keep messing up the earth. It starts with the writer establishing his bona fides, which can be summarized as "I worked in the Obama administration". He worked in the oil industry before, which he does mentions briefly to be fair. He is certainly not shilling for the oil companies though, the thought is ridiculous! According to Steven at least. Next up: The writer admits Global Warming (GW) exists and it is caused by burning fossil fuels. So, we're off to a good start I guess. After establishing that and showing some evidence to support it he posits: Did you know that climate scientists don't know everything there is to know about climate? They even admit it 'confidentially'! So, Steven seems to think that is enough reason to not fix it, despite he himself admitting that GW exists. (more on this later) After building up this strawman (no scientist ever said he fully understands the climate) he spends a large part of the book juggling statistics to show that most of the weather phenomena quoted as being caused by GW are within the norm or not so far outside of the norm to worry us overmuch. Well, maybe. It is hard to ascribe certain things directly when it comes to weather so, do carry on. Now the book goes to the "Why It Matters" part of the title and it is something to behold. First off he states we should just continue burning up fossil fuels because getting the economy off our carbon addiction is hard. That's it, the only reason: We're very good in this oil thing, so we should just keep doing it. Even if you discount GW, there are quite a number of good reasons to stop burning oil. Pollution, for example, or our dependency on shady regimes for our supply, Russia and Saudi to name just two. None of that features in Steven's reasoning though. Drill, baby drill! Mr. Koonin then goes to "solutions" because, remember, GW does exist. Even according to Steven. His proposal is to protect ourselves from the consequences of GW, not prevent it. So, spend money on dykes and other protective measures. He does spare a thought for poor/developing nations that have no money for protective measures: Basically the rich nations should support them. I have no words to describe how bonkers this is. If we just focus on sea level rise, and this is only one aspect of the consequences we could face, the cost would be insane. Furthermore, the idea that rich nations would support developing nations, is bizarre. First of all, many "rich" nations are not ready themselves, nor are they making serious plans to get ready. The US, as the richest nation on earth, will lose large parts of their territory because they're in no way prepared. If they decide to get ready, the investments will be so astronomically high, no American will spare a thought for some islands that will be wiped of the map or, let's say, Bangladesh being under 3 feet of water. So, the last part of the book, which is arguably the most important part since we all agree GW exists even if we maybe not agree on the immediacy, is so incredibly unserious it's hard to see this book as anything other than a handy collection of statistics and arguments to deny GW. This is the ammunition that Faceboook-"experts" and Twitter-heroes can use during their spurious arguments for why they should be allowed to keep driving a 5 ton gas-guzzler.