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Castor Starr

Joined 3 years, 6 months ago

I'm a book reviewer/blogger, a YA library worker, and a generally voracious reader. I specifically love diverse lit, magical realism, and speculative fiction!

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Meaghan Carter, Matthew Sturges: Girl Haven (2021, Oni Press, Incorporated) 5 stars

Full of wonder, humor, and heart, Girl Haven is the newest original story from the …

Review of 'Girl Haven' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars


This is such a sweet graphic novel, I could really see people around Ash's age, who are questioning their gender identities, getting much needed validation from the messages shown here. I ended this story excited by the idea of getting to see a follow up adventure, and really liking at least most of the characters. It goes a bit quick, without much time to absorb and with little to no transitions, but that's sort of what you can expect with a lot of graphic novels. I do sort of wish some of the pieces were less subtle so the "boys vs girls" theme didn't get perpetuated through most of it- though the patriarchy/toxic masculinity being embodied by a posh, authoritarian man filled with terror is pretty boss.

Kamome Shirahama (白浜 鴎): Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 01 (Paperback, 2019, Kodansha Comics) 5 stars

In a world where everyone takes wonders like magic spells and dragons for granted, Coco …

Review of 'Witch Hat Atelier 1' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Man I wish this had been around when I was younger, because it fills the "I wish I liked Sailor Moon" void in me to a tee. I love the world of this manga and the aesthetic is so nice! There's a very gentle feeling to it, but there's also such high stakes and such a looming antagonistic presence, it's hard to reconcile though it balances them perfectly!

Shaun David Hutchinson: Before We Disappear (2021, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

The Prestige meets What If It’s Us in Before We Disappear, a queer ahistorical fantasy …

Review of 'Before We Disappear' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I received an ARC from Edelweiss
TW: physical abuse & imprisonment, kidnapping, arson & graphic injuries from fire, historic racism & misogyny, claustrophobic situations, manipulation & violent threats, bloodletting as a punishment, gun violence

For Jack, life as a magician's assistant is almost all he knows. Of course The Enchantress is not always the easiest to work with, and they pad their pockets with cons and the occasional pickpocketing and break ins, but it's a life Jack is comfortable in. For Wilhelm, working as a magician's assistant is not something he chose nor something he is used to- in fact, up until recently he has been used by his captor, Teddy, as an unwilling accomplice in heists, something his secret power makes easy. For reasons unknown to Wilhelm, Teddy has set his sights not on a vault to crack, but on the World's Fair, gaining attention through magic tricks …

Review of 'You Have a Match' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

TW: unhealthy parental dynamics, cheating, potentially fatal heart problem

When Abby sends in her DNA to a genealogy service it's for two reasons- winning a bet, and supporting her best friend and crush, Leo, who seems ready to look for biological relatives. What she doesn't expect is to find out she has an older sister basically right next door who's also been clueless about her. Sneaking behind her parent's back and avoiding summer school, Abby makes her way to the summer camp her new found sister, Savvy, is a counselor at to find out exactly what their parents are keeping secret. But it also turns out that that camp she's heading to? It's the camp Leo has been going to for years. Which means now she's stuck with Leo without a buffer, after the Big Embarrassing Incident that's been making thigs between them awkward. It also means those camp …

In this young adult novel, Alice, afraid of explaining her asexuality, has given up on …

Review of "Let's talk about love" on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

TW: aphobia, sexual pressuring, racism

When her girlfriend breaks up with her over being asexual, Alice is determined to steer clear of the dating game. Anyway, she's got 2 long-term best friends turned roommates and a job she likes, so even the pain of a break up and the occasional headache that is her boundary-less family it should be easy to stick to the plan and still have a great summer. That is, before new hire at her job and certified "cutest man she's ever met" Takumi shows up and complicates things. Now Alice's friends are mad at her, she's not sure how to handle her identity, and nothing seems easy anymore.

All I knew about this book was that it was supposedly a romance starring an asexual poc, so I came here completely for the rep. However, this book wasn't for me the way I'd been hoping.

I'm …

Blake Crouch: Recursion (Hardcover, 2019, Crown Publishing) 4 stars

Memory makes reality.

That’s what New York City cop Barry Sutton is learning as he …

Review of 'Recursion' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

TW: suicide, described brutal motor accident, death by fire, mentioned domestic abuse, mentioned child rape & murder

It began 8 months ago, a disease inflicting people with two sets of memories- one real, one not, though both feel as if they've been lived through. An NYC cop is on the scene for a suicide, a woman who does not want to live in a world she swears her child has been deleted from. She's not the first to kill herself due to not being able to deal with the memories, but it's her death that sends that cop, Barry Sutton, onto a path that will change everything. A path begun years ago- life times ago, really. He will stumble into the truth... False Memory Syndrome is not at all what the world believes.

This book grabs you from the very first page. Nothing about this book is filler, it …

Ayana Gray: Beasts of Prey (Hardcover, 2021, G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers) 4 stars

Review of 'Beasts of Prey' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

I received an ARC from Edelweiss
TW:</ mentioned physical punishment, fire, implied mass animal death, implied animal sacrifice, prejudice, drugging, torture

Koffi and her mother's long indentured servitude in the Night Zoo will be over soon- or, it would have been, before Koffi's mistake ruined everything. And worse, Koffi managed to do something impossible, something that seemed like magic... Now the only way to get her, her mother, and the boy she thinks of as family, free from the Night Zoo is to catch the legendary and deadly Shetani, a beast that has killed many and who would be a perfect new addition to the zoo.
Ekon is about to join his family's legacy as a Son of the Six, protectors of the people. But a run in with the Shetani changes all of that. No one sees the creature and lives to tell the tale- but thanks to …

Review of 'Characteristics of the position of the assistant superintendent as perceived by a selected number of superintendents and assistant superintendents of Ohio' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

I received an ARC from the author via BookSirens

Hattie is already not happy to be moving to a strange small town, but things become completely terrible and out of her control once magical creatures over run it, stealing away her parent's Selves. Unsure why she can see things others can't, but having collected a few allies and leads to follow, Hattie forces her way into a magical world she shouldn't have been able to get to and makes a deal.

I have to first state that this book was listed as YA, which it is not, and had instead read it with the proper headspace of a Middlegrade book, I probably would have been less judgmental about certain aspects. For any who may be on the fence about the intended age range- the main character is 12 and the story itself is pretty juvenile, I do think the …

Zen Cho: Black Water Sister (2021, Ace) 4 stars

A reluctant medium discovers the ties that bind can unleash a dangerous power in this …

Review of 'Black Water Sister' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

TW: homophobia, misogyny, mentioned abusive husband, strangulation, rape, gang violence

Jess has been afloat since graduating college- she's in a long distance relationship that's also completely secret, since she'd rather never have to deal with coming out to her parents, and she's the only person she knows without a job. So moving with her parents, back to Malaysia, a place she doesn't even remember, is a strange step but not one she has any reason to fight against. Except that apparently stepping foot in Malaysia has made the voice of her grandmother's ghost stronger. She wants to believe it's stress, but as strange things continue happening it's harder to pretend. Jess has found herself in the middle of family secrets and old gods, with nothing to help her but her belligerent dead grandmother and a degree she can't use.

This book was a lot of fun! There's a great …

Corinne Duyvis: On the edge of gone (2016) 4 stars

"In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2034, a comet is due to hit the Earth within …

Review of 'On the edge of gone' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

TW: drug addiction, mentioned animal death, casual racism, ableism

Denise's sister is still missing, her mother is using, and the comet isn't waiting for them. By now they should have been evacuated to their mandated safe house, prepared to hunker down while the comet crashes and changes the atmosphere of Earth. But after a series of mishaps, Denise and her mother find themselves let in on a massive secret- there is still one spaceship grounded on Earth. They're let on with strict plans to evict them again before they take flight, but Denise is desperate to find a way to stay and keep all of her family safe. But how is she going to make a case for an autistic teen, an addict, and a girl who isn't even there?

This is the only Duyvis book I hadn't read yet, so I picked it up based on that alone, …