Reviews and Comments

Castor Starr

Joined 3 years, 6 months ago

I'm a book reviewer/blogger, a YA library worker, and a generally voracious reader. I specifically love diverse lit, magical realism, and speculative fiction!

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finished reading Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (Iron Widow #1)

Xiran Jay Zhao: Iron Widow (Hardcover, 2021, Penguin Teen) 4 stars

Science fiction and East Asian myth combine in this dazzling retelling of the rise of …

Do you ever finish a book and you're like "Oh my God I this ruined me for all other books" because oh my GOD I think this ruined me for ALL OTHER BOOKS How am I supposed to wait for the sequel?????? I'm about to cryofreeze myself

Full review to come

Tom Parkinson-Morgan: Kill 6 Billion Demons (GraphicNovel, 2016) 4 stars

"Sorority sister Allison Ruth must travel to Throne, the ancient city at the center of …

Review of 'Kill 6 billion demons' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

I was recommended this by a few people after talking about how much I enjoyed [b:Cosmoknights|43419730|Cosmoknights (Cosmoknights, #1)|Hannah Templer||67465984], so I picked it up knowing almost nothing about it. Due to that I was surprised by the comparative coarseness, and definitely had some unfair comparisons lines up in my head. I think the idea of this story is interesting, and probably goes cool places past this first issue, but I found in almost impossible to get invested for some reason.

Review of 'Martian Ghost Centaur' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

This was cute! The ending was adorable, and had a really nice lesson, and who doesn't love to see the hipster start up guys get shown up? There were a lot of over the top reactions here, and the characters, while generally likable, weren't very deep, but it was still an enjoyable read.

reviewed Little Thieves by Margaret Owen (Little Thieves, #1)

Margaret Owen: Little Thieves (2021, Holt & Company, Henry) 4 stars

Vanja Schmidt knows that no gift is freely given, not even a mother's love--and she's …

Review of 'Little Thieves' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars


Pre-review comments below
Hello, can I get this cover as a wall-sized poster please

update 8/12

Review of 'Swamp Thing' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I love the story this encompasses, and I really want more. The characters, especially Alec and Abby, are so interesting and likable and the art style makes everything hard to look away from. I do feel like there are a lot of jumps that could have had a smoother transition and felt less rushed, but overall this is a cool new version of Swamp Thing that I think could spur a whole series.

Kamome Shirahama (白浜 鴎): Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 01 (Paperback, 2019, Kodansha Comics) 5 stars

In a world where everyone takes wonders like magic spells and dragons for granted, Coco …

Review of 'Witch Hat Atelier 1' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Man I wish this had been around when I was younger, because it fills the "I wish I liked Sailor Moon" void in me to a tee. I love the world of this manga and the aesthetic is so nice! There's a very gentle feeling to it, but there's also such high stakes and such a looming antagonistic presence, it's hard to reconcile though it balances them perfectly!