Martin Heidegger: Being and Time (2008) 3 stars

Being and Time (German: Sein und Zeit) is the 1927 magnum opus of German philosopher โ€ฆ

Review of 'Being and Time' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The translation is the same as the original M&R hardback of 1962 but with a new forward by noted Heidegger scholar, [a:Taylor Carman|178353|Taylor Carman|], added in 2008. Although short, this 21st century forward adds to the work by giving first-time readers a quick overview of some of the difficulties in reading Heidegger's Being and Time (in any language) and some of the hot-button words to be mindful of while reading it as well as setting the book within the historical scope of Heidegger's personal biography and relationship to the phenomenology of his teacher, [a:Edmund Husserl|180033|Edmund Husserl|]. Additionally this book is lighter and more easily packed for travel in the paperback format.