ThomD reviewed Tesla: Man Out of Time by Margaret Cheney
Review of 'Tesla' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I am a huge fan of Tesla. Whenever someone cannot comprehend how visionaries like Galileo or Copernicus where tormented for being "ahead of their time" all one has to do is look at Tesla's life for an example as to how it can happen. It wasn't until after his death that it was actually proved he was the true inventor of radio.
Unfortunately, Cheney's unbridled love/adoration for Telsa severely mars an otherwise well researched treatise. I've never read a biography where so many sentences begin with "I think..." and "It is obvious...". She doesn't know what Tesla thought/felt any more than his other biographers. And while history continues to find fault with Edison there is no reason to think him an idiot or an unworthy adversary for Tesla.
People seem to forget that Tesla, to his dying day, did not believe in the power of the atom (he was certain that nuclear power (from atom smashing) was pointless), that there was no such thing as "curved space", and of course he thought that Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity was total hogwash. Tesla was a bonafide genius but he was not infalible. Throughout his later life he continued to make claims of "completed experiments"/"finished devices" that simply never existed.
I'll probably read Marc Seifer's book as it appears to be less biased.