Review of "The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Ms. Waggoner has a way with words. Here she invents a thieves cant that works and which is very funny. Her heroine is a fairly standard up-from the gutter but with amazing abilities if only she would try type, with an eye for the main chance when she's not too drunk. The author gives her a lot of good lines. She has a comical mother, and acquires a comical mouse. Her main attempted acquisition, however, is an heiress, whom she sets out to seduce. (Many of Ms Wggoner's characters are resentful of the unearned privileges of the posh set, but are eager to join them, much like typical members of the British Parliamentary Labour Party).
The plot is fair, but I liked it above all for the writing. The heroine's semi-deliberate malapropisms, invented words and other verbal squibs are delightful, and the supporting cast are all allowed their moments of linguistic grace too. I recommend it.