
Review of 'Bloodfire' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I first read Helen Harper's Lazy Witch series, which was quite good fun. I then read this one - the whole series - and it was fun too. The heroine is something of an airhead, at least in the opening books of the series - but then she's spent her whole life in one small Cornish village, so she does have her excuses. (I spent the first years of my life in a similar Cornish village, and it was wonderful for seeping up countryside, animal life, boats and farmhouses, but the world outside turned out to be a very surprising place when I made my way into it).

Ms Harper's male leads are all a bit samey, and all seem to have been by-passed by feminism - unlike her heroines. Corrigan traps his prey against walls, calls her "kitten" even when she tells him not to, and stalks her unremittingly. But, we discover, he's her "soul mate", so that's all right. Harper must have felt she'd made him unappealing, and gave him his own five volumes to plead his case. This reader was unconvinced.