Herbert Wolverson: Hands-On Rust (2021, O'Reilly Media, Incorporated) 4 stars

Review of 'Hands-On Rust' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

First, I'm a professional software engineer. I was interested in this book because I've been interested in learning Rust, and what better way to learn than writing a video game! But I'm a little torn on this book. Overall, it did give me a project to work through while learning Rust. It was mostly well written. Where I felt it fell short was that it sometimes didn't go deep enough into the Rust language and there were a few errors in some of the writing that made it very confusing at times. I spent quite a bit of time on the Rust website reading their documentation. While I was able to work my way around the problems and get the games to work, someone with less experience may struggle more or even give up. I was also frustrated with the inconsistent code formatting. I'm kind-of a stickler for consistency in code. In the same code snippet a variable would be defined something like, "variable_name: type", and another like, "variable_name : type". That is just one example.

Overall, I would recommend the book to anyone interested in Rust and video games. I would just suggest some patience when the game doesn't run, even when coded exactly as described in the text.