
The wallet Trixie Belden and her friend Honey Wheeler find involves the Bob Whites in …

Review of 'Trixie Belden and the mystery of the missing millionaire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A childhood favorite re-visited.

Is the story as good as I remember? – Yes

What ages would I recommend it too? – Ten and up.

Length? – Most of a day’s read.

Characters? – Memorable, several characters.

Setting? – Real world, pre - computer, pre - air conditioning, pre - cell phone.

Written approximately? – 1980.

Does the story leave questions in the readers mind? – Ready to read more.

Any issues the author (or a more recent publisher) should cover? Yes. A slight mention of the time frame of the story - as the teens are given far more freedom to come and go as they please than would be safe today. Also, the absence of computers and cell phones.

Short storyline: Trixie Belden, Honey, and Jim work on a case involving a missing person. Meanwhile, mart is hoodwinked by a mailorder home business opportunity. When Trixie figures out the swindle that she, honey, and Mr. Lytel fell for, she only has a a little time to save Mr. Lytel and his money.

Notes for the reader: A great mystery! No violence and no murder.