James Rolfe: A Movie Making Nerd (Paperback, 2022, /) 3 stars

Review of 'A Movie Making Nerd' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was a big fan of AVGN back in the day, and even though I think the show has taken a dive in quality, as well as some controversy I wanted to buy this book as a show of support to James.

That being said I’m not sure I’d recommend it. James meanders a lot in his telling of his story, and there’s segments of this book that just seem included to pad out the length. At one point James lists all the “films” he created prior to the AVGN, which are basically just home movies. It’s wild to me James considers these part of his filmography as he counts his current number of films in the 200s

There’s also a decent amount of time dedicated to James college life in which he talks about an incident which was pretty impactful to his life. But in reading it the story felt really mundane, and didn’t exactly paint James in a good light. He claimed it was the inspiration to this book, and I’m not 100% sure what that says. I’m not even it needed to be included.

For those mainly interested in the AVGN you won’t hear anything about it until just over the 200 page mark. This seems like a missed opportunity as the last portion of the book is mostly spent on the movie, and the issues/stories about production, etc etc. For anything you can say about the current state of the channel James is really the grandfather to video essayists many of us have come to love today, and while I understand talking about the movie I think he could have gone a bit further.

I would have liked more time spent on those earlier days as the AVGN was first taking off, and how YouTube has changed over the years. I know the movie was a high point to James life, but considering the end-product was pretty forgettable for the average viewer I think more focus on his time spent collaborating with Mike and Bootsy and production facts about our favorite AVGN episodes would have been more appropriate. Don’t get me wrong some of that is in there, but it gets passed over very quickly.

So back to where I started. I wouldn’t really recommend this book, and I honestly think it closer to a 2 star than a 3. I noticed several grammatical errors as well. But ultimately I have nothing against James. It’s fun for some people to rag on him these days, but he’s accomplished a lot for just a guy with a camera, simple outfit, and a basement to film in. I wish him and the family the best. I probably won’t buy another one of his books if it’s published but I was happy to support this one.

Oh, and for the “truthers” who may read this James does not address any of the controversies that surrounded the channel from Mike’s tweet to present. Which is fine for me as I don’t blame James for not wanting to go into it. But may be disappointing for some