Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days (Oxford World's Classics) (1999, Oxford University Press, USA; Translated) 4 stars

Review of "Theogony, Works and Days (Oxford World's Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Both of these works are interesting. Clearly one can see how Theogony and the emergence of Greek mythology has influenced many aspects of modern popular culture in the United States—multiple universes within the Blizzard franchise adopt articles from Theogony (e.g. Chimaera; Hephaestus) in their own fantasy universes. Works and Days, on the other hand, is illustrative of how religious and philosophical ideas disseminated throughout the Mediterranean world during the Late Bronze Age -> Iron Age transition, especially the oral tradition of Israelite religion (e.g. Proverbs) showing up in Hesiod's admonitions to his brother to always remain faithful to neighbors, find a "good" wife, and avoid lying and deceit.