George Orwell: 1984 by George Orwell (2021, Independently Published) 4 stars

Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often referred to as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction …

Review of '1984 by George Orwell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Two words recurrently came to my mind while I was reading the book – “Hauntingly beautiful”.

That’s how brilliant this book is. I would’ve given it 10 out of 5 stars, if I could. Orwell delivers a masterful stroke of fiction – or is it fiction? It seems more like a premonition of sorts, a guide as to what could possibly happen in future if we’re not careful. I had heard about what a genius Orwell was - and though I got a taste of it in “Animal Farm” – “1984” was kind-of-a full blown force hitting your face!

In short, this is a story of the world in a dystopian setting, where a Totalitarian empire presides over much of humanity, controlling them in every aspect possible – down to their thoughts. A world where every action of yours is recorded and monitored by the “Telescreen” – not unlike the “All-Seeing Eye” from Lord of the Rings.

With all of the debate surrounding the FBI vs. Apple case and NSA and privacy, I fear we are slowly reaching towards the Orwellian universe. With that in mind, I think this line summarizes it the best – “1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual”.