Harold Bloom: Bloom's Guides: Cormac McCarthy's The Road (2011, Bloom's Literary Criticism) 4 stars

Review of "Bloom's Guides: Cormac McCarthy's The Road" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I bought this book maybe 10 years ago and started reading it, but then I stopped not very far into it, and didn’t try again. Not because I hated it, but I guess it was just too dense and a little too slow for young, impatient me at the time. I picked it up again after reading somewhere how this book was a “love story between father and son”, and as a father myself, I immediately wanted to read it. I did and I can say that statement is true. I felt the frustration and desperation of the world the man and the boy were living. I was able to relate to the emotions the man felt for his boy, and I shed a tear at the end. In my opinion, a book that is able to stir emotions in you is a good book. And this was one of those for me. Like the man, I hope I can carry the fire for my boy and help him do the same.