Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene: Head First Agile: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Agile Principles, Ideas, and Real-World Practices (2017) No rating

Read for work, not pleasure. And as a refresher on the topic of using agile on teams.

Overall, a well written book. The first half walks through Scrum, then chapters on Lean, Kanban, XP and some sort of practice test for the PMI-ACP exam/certification.

The book is written for someone not familiar with agile development processes. They do use multiple characters in little stories and scenarios. Usually pictured with a model and a thought or quote bubble above their heads. It can be a fast read - couple hours, maybe more if you give the little Q+A exams some effort.

Written in 2017, I'm not certain the PMI-ACP exam material is still valid. It is good experience/content though. One should check on that and not assume, as the certifications often mutate to stay relevant.