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2025 Reading Goal

5% complete! anna_ealasaid has read 2 of 40 books.

Samantha Harvey: Orbital (EBook, Grove Atlantic) 3 stars

A singular new novel from Betty Trask Prize–winner Samantha Harvey, Orbital is an eloquent meditation …


2 stars

Beautiful in parts, but generally underwhelming. I only had a sense of one of the characters - the rest all blurred into each other. It did inspire me to try and brush up on my geography though.


3 stars

A bothy is a hut in the hills that provides 'simple shelter' for hikers. For history lecturer Kat Hill, staying in and researching the histories of bothies was suggestive of hope and healing during a time of painful upheaval in her personal life. Each chapter is hinged on a trip to a particular bothy in Scotland and Wales, weaving together travelogue with liberally footnoted musings on a theme, and some contextual background on the bothy itself. For much of the book the various threads all seemed to me to be a little thin and incoherent, and I would have preferred either more proper history and politics of bothies or in depth life writing, rather than a smattering of both - or at least some tighter editing. But the second half of the book improved (or maybe I grew more tolerant!) The inclusion of extensive quoting from bothy guest books over …