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ano's books

Currently Reading

Dale Carnegie: How To Win Friends & Influence People [Sep 24, 2016] Carnegie, Dale (2016, AMAZING READS) 4 stars

Humans are relational beings. This is the best self-improvement book to know how to create …

Review of 'How To Win Friends & Influence People [Sep 24, 2016] Carnegie, Dale' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Super repetitive, but still well-written and interesting. My big ick with this book is that it reads like a manual for sociopaths. The author seems to view friendships as less mutualistic and more competitive (typical capitalist mindset).

Do not use this book as a formal guide! Noting down people's names and birthdays could be weird, and using their first names in the beginning of every sentence makes you sound like a rookie car salesman. Reading the room is an important but soft skill that is better learned from experience than theory.