Sunil Khilnani: Incarnations (2017, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 2 stars

But most of the 100,000 or so descendants of former slaves now live in isolated communities in western India: places where they're routinely denied the very means of upward mobility - a good education and recognition of merit - that turned a remarkable slave into an unvanquished power some five centuries ago.

Incarnations by  (Page 131)

Quoted from the 17th chapter on 'Malik Ambar'. The author's ability to draw parallels between historic and present times is commendable. This is one of the reasons I've continued reading this book despite it being quite intimidating as I don't really think nonfiction is usually for me.

It shows the harsh reality of present Indian society and how we've failed to learn our lessons from history. As they say, "History doesn't repeat itself but it sure does rhyme!".