
reviewed The iron flower by Laurie Forest (The black witch chronicles -- [2])

Laurie Forest: The iron flower (2018) 3 stars

"Elloren Gardner and her friends were only seeking to right a few wrongs when they …

Review of 'The iron flower' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

This series is honestly going on my absolute favorites shelf. Give me all the rebellions, the star-crossed-lovers, give me all of the shifters and fae and winged beasts that are not actually beasts. GIVE THEM ALL TO ME! I LOVE IT!

As far as second-books-in-the-series go, this one knocked it out of the park! A lot of second books end up being a bit of filler, a lot of plot devices to get to book 3, a lot of “middle,” if you will. This one did not have that at all. It had just as much action and adventure as the first, even MORE love and heartbreak than the first. It had grand rescues, professions of love, new alliances, sacrifices made, and just about everything an epic fantasy should have. If you didn’t need to know everything that happened in the first book, you honestly could just read this one and it could stand on its own two feet because it’s THAT good.

The scene in Keltania….. UGHHHHH…. Can’t even with this scene. It made my heart explode in so many ways, good and bad. I won’t say anymore for fear of spoiling anything.

I’m so ready for the 3rd book and am going to read the two novellas now, because I need more. Also brb going to go and recommend these to all the book nerds I know. Let’s just say this series is making me dead. It’s too good, I’m dead.