Maia Kobabe: Gender Queer: A Memoir (2019, Lion Forge Comics) 4 stars

Gender Queer: A Memoir is a 2019 graphic memoir written and illustrated by Maia Kobabe. …

Gender Queer

5 stars

Continuing my tour of banned books. Started and finished this in one day -- it was engrossing, funny, sad, and everything in between. Kobabe pulls no punches and gives a bracingly open and direct accounting of eir journey to discover eir identity. Needless to say, I learned a great deal (including about the pronouns in the previous sentence), and reading this book was a profoundly moving experience for me. It makes me incredibly sad that such a book, which I could easily imagine helping others who find themselves in Kobabae's situation, would be denied to those readers who probably need it the most.