Jeremy Waldron: The harm in hate speech (2012, Harvard University Press) 5 stars

Every liberal democracy has laws or codes against hate speech, except the United States. For …

The Harm in Hate Speech

5 stars

I had Waldron's book sitting in my "to read" pile for some time, and as luck would have it I actually picked it up around the same time that Meta announced its changes to allow more hate speech on its platforms. Although Waldron wrote this over a decade ago, the book's arguments could not be more timely. As a citizen of the United States, I have of course been inculcated with the value of free speech, and it is a value that I share. But before Waldron's book I had never fully considered the implications of this stance -- namely, those who argue the loudest for free speech rarely have to deal with the consequences of hate speech, nor are they its targets. Rejecting restrictions on hate speech tout court looks like a sign of unmistakable privilege, with "others" having to bear the burden of this principled stance. Waldron is aware that this stance is not likely to make headway in the United States, but his arguments must be read and grappled with by anyone who considers free speech to be a value.