
reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (The Three-Body Triology, #1)

Cixin Liu: The Three-Body Problem (Paperback, 2018, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

Within the context of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a military project sends messages to alien …

Mixed feelings

4 stars

The book starts very strong with a mysterious atmosphere and thrilling scenes. There are large sections where the main character is playing a computer game for some reason and I didn’t enjoy them very much. The characters are a bit shallow with a few exceptions.

There are some very clever ideas about technology and sci-fi ish solutions, although some seemed a bit too crazy to my taste.

I am not sure how I feel about the book. I enjoyed the atmosphere, there were quite a few very good chapters, but I am not sure if I want to continue with the other books of the trilogy.