John Scalzi: Redshirts (2012, Tor) 4 stars

Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship …

Review of 'Redshirts' on 'Goodreads'

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I was in the mood for a light, funny read. I had told myself that I would wait a bit before reading Redshirts - because it had just gone out and was a bit expensive, especially for an electronic version. And obviously, telling myself that I would wait a bit is possibly the best incentive to want to read it NOW.
So I sighed and bought it and started reading it. And finished it by actually pushing through the sleepiness to continue reading, which I tend to not do these days as much as when I was younger ;)

I had heard of Redshirts a while ago, was praying for the very nice premises to not be wasted, got some reassurance when I read [b:Old Man's War|51964|Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)|John Scalzi||50700], and was expecting something good.
I wasn't disappointed. The idea of the book will be familiar to anyone remotely familiar with Star Trek: on the ship Intrepid, every away mission tends to end up with one of the low ranked crew member killed in some spectacular fashion. Andy Dahl, newly assigned on the ship, intends to escape that horrible fate and tries to understand what happens.
Redshirts contains at least a good part of the things that makes you cringe when watching Star Trek (any series. Note: I still LOVE Star Trek.), except possibly the amount of technobabble - and it is very funny. The amount of meta is growing exponentially, and the whole thing made me giggle at more than one place (as my husband can probably attest).

Liked it a lot.