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They/He reading books.

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Situated at the crossroads of three continents, the Middle East has confounded the ambition of …

Felt like a well condensed overview that gave me a broader understanding of the region. Surely things get lost when writing such a condensed series of events, but especially noting the focus on Plaestine-Israel and Syria i found the omission of Nakba or Rojava slightly odd.

The author tires to be politically neutral, something I dont believe in and their tendencies toward our western way of life show.

Situated at the crossroads of three continents, the Middle East has confounded the ambition of …

A very concise history of the middle east, starts with mesopotamia. I'm currently around the middle of thr ottoman empire 1/3 through the book. It looks like a lot of focus will be put into 19th and 20th century which im glad about as I want to understand that contemporary history of the region better.

Written by a Scott from, what he seems to acknowledge, a Eurocentric point of view. He also acknowledges the whole concept of the middle east being Eurocentric which I'm happy to see in the book.