Agatha Christie: Sparkling Cyanide (Agatha Christie Signature Edition) (2002, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) 3 stars

Six people sit down to a sumptuous meal at a table laid for seven. A …

Review of 'Sparkling Cyanide (Agatha Christie Signature Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I have to say, I enjoyed this book much more than I expected to at first. It had been sitting on my shelf for over four months (actually, since four days before quarantine started) and I had chosen it not because the premise intrigued me but because it was one of the few Agatha Christie left I could find at local bookstores that I hadn't already read. "Sparkling Cyanide" seemed a very cliche title and the blurb on the back sounded overly dramatic and didn't really convey anything about the book's content.

I actually really loved this book, contrary to expectations. I loved the touch of starting with the flashback to the first suicide (suspected to be murder) told from every suspect's perspective, and each was given such good motives for murder that I honestly had no idea who it would be.

The solution did not disappoint and thought up a clever twist that was realistic, able to be seen by readers (if they think along the right lines!), and yet thoroughly unique from anything I'd seen before.