Visceral. Chilling. Gripping.
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Some variety of left-wing eco type. I think capitalism is the cause of inequality and ecological catastrophe.
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bennekasser wants to read Resisting AI by Dan McQuillan

Resisting AI by Dan McQuillan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere, yet it causes damage to society in ways that can’t be fixed. Instead of helping …
bennekasser reviewed Spitfire into battle by W. G. G. Duncan Smith
Review of 'Spitfire into battle' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
bennekasser rated Embroideries: 5 stars
bennekasser reviewed The Bridge on the Drina by Ivo Andrić
Review of 'The Bridge on the Drina' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
A masterpiece. This book should be better known among Anglophone readers! To a modern reader, Andrić's casual racism can be jarring; often the Muslim characters are cut-outs or stereotypes. The Serbian characters have richer internal lives and their awakening nationalism is described in terms of an unstoppable destiny.
All those criticisms aside, "The Bridge on the Drina" evokes four hundred years of life under Ottoman rule in the town of Višegrad with warmth and humanity. The book is composed of vignettes from the lives of the people of the town , the surrounding villages and of occupiers and invaders as they move on and around the bridge. These vignettes unfold in roughly chronological order, from the time during the sixteenth century before the bridge is commissioned, through the saga of its construction and its four hundred-year existence, until the bridge is destroyed during the first world war.
Despite its location …
A masterpiece. This book should be better known among Anglophone readers! To a modern reader, Andrić's casual racism can be jarring; often the Muslim characters are cut-outs or stereotypes. The Serbian characters have richer internal lives and their awakening nationalism is described in terms of an unstoppable destiny.
All those criticisms aside, "The Bridge on the Drina" evokes four hundred years of life under Ottoman rule in the town of Višegrad with warmth and humanity. The book is composed of vignettes from the lives of the people of the town , the surrounding villages and of occupiers and invaders as they move on and around the bridge. These vignettes unfold in roughly chronological order, from the time during the sixteenth century before the bridge is commissioned, through the saga of its construction and its four hundred-year existence, until the bridge is destroyed during the first world war.
Despite its location as a important river crossing, Višegrad is portrayed as a provincial backwater. The people of the town do not ever seem appreciate the importance of the location of their town as a strategic choke-point, but this is well understood by the Imperial powers that operate at a great remove. Historical events buffet the town, but for the townsfolk, these events are disconnected from any larger narrative. The arbitrariness of events leave the townspeople making do as best they can. Early in the book, a great flood sweeps down the river, inundating large parts of the town. The communities band together to give each other safety and protection. Political events have a similar force, but being the work of human beings, they more often divide the different communities of the town than unite them.
The SezamBook edition I have has many typographical errors; the Dereta edition may be better. Certainly the Dereta edition of "The Days of the Consuls" seems flawless.
bennekasser reviewed Clear waters rising by Nicholas Crane
bennekasser rated The idea factory: 5 stars

The idea factory by Jon Gernter
A interesting history of Bell Labs from its rise to its fall. The author traces the innovators and innovations produced …
bennekasser rated Dreaming in Code: 5 stars

Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenberg
Their story takes us through a maze of dead ends and exhilarating breakthroughs as they and their colleagues wrestle not …
bennekasser rated The Dig Tree: 5 stars
bennekasser rated As I walked out one midsummer morning: 5 stars

As I walked out one midsummer morning by Laurie Lee
It was 1934 and a young man walked to London from the security of the Cotswolds to make his fortune. …
bennekasser rated Dark Hero of the Information Age: 5 stars

Dark Hero of the Information Age by Flo Conway, Jim Siegelman
Child prodigy and brilliant MIT mathematician, Norbert Wiener founded the revolutionary science of cybernetics and ignited the information-age explosion of …
bennekasser rated Sync: the emerging science of spontaneous order: 3 stars

Steven H. Strogatz: Sync (2003, Theia)
Sync: the emerging science of spontaneous order by Steven H. Strogatz
The tendency to synchronize may be the most mysterious and pervasive drive in all of nature. It has intrigued some …

Summary: Sapiens: A brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari by Yuval Noah Harari
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Hebrew: קיצור תולדות האנושות, [Ḳitsur toldot ha-enoshut]) is a book by Yuval Noah Harari, …
bennekasser rated The computer boys take over: 5 stars