betty reviewed Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison (Hollows (Rachel Morgan) (1))
Review of 'Dead Witch Walking' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I'm a little nonplussed by this book because I have taken a sort of mild dislike to the main character. She's sort of... ethically gormless?
So, Rachel Morgan: wants to quit her law enforcement job because she keeps getting shit work, despite the fact that everyone tells her you don't quit this job, because they will hunt you down and kill you. Convinces herself that this is just a silly rumour. Two co-workers, a pixie and a vampire, quit with her, both seemingly just to support her. It turns out, that the price on your head thing was not just a silly rumour, and although her co-workers' circumstances are different enough that they escape having a contract put out on them, they both defend her, and are to some degree endangered. Her vampire also sublets her place to Rachel.
And Rachel seems to feel that this is... lucky? Like, for her? She never really seems to feel indebted? Which, I dunno, maybe one is not actually indebted to people who are just doing the right thing, but it's weird to me.
So she decides, with not a great deal of evidence, powered mostly by the need to keep the book moving, that the way to get the price off her head is to defeat some other villain, which will make her old boss so pleased with her they will have to let her go? This seems a pretty slim chance to hang your survival on, but okay. She gets captured by this other villain, who tries to force her to kill rats, and she takes a moral stand on this: "I'd rather die than compromise my ethics!" which, what? I mean, it's not like she's a vegetarian.
But maybe her ethical position is just that she hates taking orders, which is pretty clearly the case, but does not seem like an ethical position, as such.
Also, the book does the thing where the protagonist, from the 'default' class unthinkingly treats a minor character from the less-than-human class (her pixie co-worker) as a person, one time, and the pixie is so grateful. Think Harry Potter and Dobby the house elf. Rachel's act, in this instance, is subletting her garden to the pixie. Oh my god, no pixie has ever been rented land, ever! This act of kindness will be remembered forever!
No pixie has ever been rented land? Seriously? Because they appear to be able to work for money, so I don't see why they wouldn't be able to be rented land. And apparently land is really important to them, I can't imagine someone wouldn't use that as an incentive. I mean, if you're willing to pay them in money.
And it's not like Rachel shows a great deal of interest in the pixie's welfare otherwise. She moves him and his family into her back garden, and doesn't bother to learn his wife's name.
It's not like Rachel is a terrible person. If she was, though, she might be a little more interesting. It's just that she's kind of self-centred and only medium competent, but everyone around her treats her like she's something special, and it annoyed me.
Also, the vampire co-worker has sexy vampire powers, and Rachel keeps on being mad at her for using them. "Dammit, Ivy, stop being sexy! I'm straight! Your sexy vampire powers don't work on me! Stop making me want to lick you!" Your protests are a bit lacking in credibility, there.