Ron Chernow: Grant (2017, Penguin Press) 5 stars

The #1 New York Times bestseller.

Named one of the 10 Best Books of 2017 …

Review of 'Grant' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is phenomenal. The length is intimidating, but it is worth it.

I knew very little about Grant. I found him to be fascinating. Chernow obviously admires the man, but also does not shy away from his faults and mistakes. Indeed, some of his faults run straight through the narrative.

Finishing this book, I have a new appreciation for the man. He was far from perfect. He made some serious blunders, and remained gullible almost to his dying day. Still, he was incredibly steadfast, had an incredible strategic mind, and was (in some ways) progressive for his time.

I listened to the audiobook, which clocks in at 48 (!) hours. It is very well done, and I enjoyed it. My only complaint is that all the southern voices sound like derivatives of Foghorn Leghorn.

While it is very long, and in depth, it never seemed to get bogged down into details.