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Petzold, Charles: The Annotated Turing (Paperback, 2008, Wiley) 4 stars

Programming Legend Charles Petzold unlocks the secrets of the extraordinary and prescient 1936 paper by …

If you want to know, go to the source

5 stars

I've always been curious about the reverence and mystery with which Turing machines get mentioned, and if you want to say you've read the words from the man himself, this is the only way I'd suggest doing it.

The Annotated Turing is precisely as advertised, a walk through the very paper Turing wrote for his thesis, errors and all. While I would have never been able to climb that mountain without a serious amount of background information, here we get the guidance of Mr. Petzold, our sherpa of mathematics, and what excellent guidance it is.

While I could not bring myself to understand the full complexities of the paper, The Annotated Turing takes it step by step, passage by passage and provides illuminating background and context, as well as clarifying Turing's intent and straight up fixing a decent number of typographical errors.

I feel like I need another read of …

reviewed Practical Vim by Drew Neil (Pragmatic programmers)

Drew Neil: Practical Vim (2015) 4 stars

"Vim is a fast and efficient text editor that will make you a faster and …

A thoughtful and expert guide to the most useful features of vim

No rating

I'm an experienced vim user who wanted to refine some of my existing approaches to vim as well as learn about advanced features. This book delivers on that in spades. Presented in a friendly, bite-sized approach that highlights not only individual techniques but how to synthesize them into the "vim way" as well, it's a pleasant read and beautifully explained, although you necessarily need to be interested in the subject matter beforehand. There isn't a better book for the purpose than this one, to the best of my knowledge. Plan on sampling and re-sampling the book over time.

Lex Sheehan: Learning Functional Programming in Go: Change the way you approach your applications using functional programming in Go (2017, Packt Publishing) No rating

"Learning Functional Programming in Go" Chapter 2 "Manipulating Collections" mini-review: chapter 2 weighs in at 40 pp, and is nominally about manipulating collections using standard functional tools such as Map and Reduce. Before it can, however, it has to lay some groundwork. It begins by defining functional terms like intermediate- and terminal-functors. One of the things I'm hoping to get from this book is a command of functional terms and concepts, and the book spends a lot of time ensuring that you understand the functional principles in those terms.

Unfortunately, we run into one of the core issues with the subject matter, which is that Go doesn't support two of the three elements that the author cites as foundational for FP; tail-call optimization and generics (the third being itertools-style map/reduce). Well, generics are now part of the language, and fortunately he does discuss what generic solutions might look like, so …

David A. Black: The well-grounded Rubyist (2009, Manning) 4 stars

A comprehensive and thoughtful exploration of the Ruby language

5 stars

It has actually been quite some time since I read this book, and my review is for an edition prior to the current release, so there is probably material there which I haven't seen.

This has to be the best book I've seen covering the Ruby language from a practitioner's point of view. The basics would be to cover the major features of the language with some demonstration code. This book covers the language exhaustively, really going through every nook and cranny. At the same time, it does an excellent job of being readable, relatable, and adequately explaining the mental models necessary to really understand what he's talking about.

One thing you may be looking for that you would not find in this book is discussion of the Rails framework for Ruby. This book deals solely with the Ruby language underlying that popular framework. If you're looking to understand Ruby …