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David A. Black: The well-grounded Rubyist (2009, Manning) 4 stars

A comprehensive and thoughtful exploration of the Ruby language

5 stars

It has actually been quite some time since I read this book, and my review is for an edition prior to the current release, so there is probably material there which I haven't seen.

This has to be the best book I've seen covering the Ruby language from a practitioner's point of view. The basics would be to cover the major features of the language with some demonstration code. This book covers the language exhaustively, really going through every nook and cranny. At the same time, it does an excellent job of being readable, relatable, and adequately explaining the mental models necessary to really understand what he's talking about.

One thing you may be looking for that you would not find in this book is discussion of the Rails framework for Ruby. This book deals solely with the Ruby language underlying that popular framework. If you're looking to understand Ruby …