Phil Cavell: The Midlife Cyclist (Paperback, 2021, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) 4 stars

Renowned cycling biomechanics pioneer, Phil Cavell, explores the growing trend of middle-aged and older cyclists …

A manifesto for cycling through middle age

4 stars

This is not a book that details how to fit yourself to your bike, nor is it a training bible. Instead, Phil Cavell has written a manifesto about why you should cycle through middle age, the pros, the cons, with a heathy dose of his personal and professional experiences. You could be cynical and think it's essentially a 288 page advert for getting a professional bike fit from his company, but it's not, not really.

There's plenty of info in there about thinks that can go wrong, why people ride the way they do, and I gleaned numerous insights that I then applied to my own cycling. If you're older, and a cyclist, then it's a worth while read.