Jorge Luis Borges: Ficciones (Paperback, Castellano language, 1994, Lumen) 4 stars


Review of 'Ficciones' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wasn't sure how to read this. My only clue was a quote by Ursula LeGuin describing Gene Wolfe as "Our Borges". I was unsure which references were real, which were fabricated, what was history and what was fable. I chose not to read literally and instead just let the words wash over me. Sentences often barely connected to context, I can't imagine I will ever be able to fully understand what is going on and I don't believe that I am supposed to. Even the most assiduous and erudite reader will have to give up on any expectation of groking the entirety. There are contradictions to make this impossible. Like Wolfe, I find the work enjoyable to read but am unsatisfied by the feeling I surely missed something. No doubt, for some, the answer is re-reading the work perhaps many times. Each reading would be different based upon your mindset, attention, bader-meinhoff recognition and memory of prior readings. This has never been for me, I rarely re-read while there are other stories yet unread. Re-reading feels too much like re-boiling old bones and expecting fresh soup. If I am to learn or feel something new by reading I will be more likely to find it on new ground than retreading the same path again.