Neal Stephenson: Fall; or, Dodge in Hell (2019, William Morrow) 4 stars

Review of 'Fall; or, Dodge in Hell' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

What a strange book. Not since [b:The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer|827|The Diamond Age Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer|Neal Stephenson||2181158] has a Stephenson novel felt so mythic. It is the type of book I like, character driven legendary. The viewpoint and characters kept shifting though. I would have preferred to spend more time with fewer characters. Perhaps if the narrative had been more episodic with less connection between the sections then I might not have minded as much. Making more of the time jumps in both the "real" world (is it really?) and "virtual" world would have helped.

I strongly suspect that I will be reading this one again. After failing to finish [b:Seveneves|22816087|Seveneves|Neal Stephenson||42299347] I had wondered whether I would be able to get in to this book. I had no similar problems with [b:Anathem|2845024|Anathem|Neal Stephenson||6163095], which a lot of people struggled with continuing.