Danielle Keats Citron: Fight for Privacy (2022, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) 3 stars

The essential road map for understanding―and defending―your right to privacy in the twenty-first century.  

Privacy …

A great overview of privacy violations and what to do

4 stars

This book starts off really strong with a very broad enumeration of the personal and social impact privacy violations can have as well as the many different ways our privacy is being systematically and ruthlessly violated. The beginning third of the book was wonderful. However, it then spends a lot of time tip-toeing around definitions and legal minutiae before getting to the crux of her argument, saying privacy needs to be treated as a basic human right. She does a great job again talking about all the various ways we need to be addressing privacy from a societal perspective, law, law enforcement, culture, education.

The biggest qualm I have with this book is that it doesn't seem to have an audience in mind. Her tone is addressing the average woman with no connection to privacy, and that would be fine if she didn't get so hung up on legal details whether it be precedent or how to craft the perfect law going forward.

For those privacy focused, I'd highly recommending reading at least the first few chapters. The single greatest highlight of this book was in it's ability to show why privacy is important for everyone, not just those "with something to hide". I really appreciated the focus on how devastating certain privacy violations can impact someone's life and that it cannot possibly be each person's responsibility to have perfect digital hygiene.