Jacob Campbell reviewed The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor #2)
Nicely Tied Together Fantasy Crime Noir and Mystery
4 stars
Content warning Some of the storyline and content of the book in general concepts.
I really enjoyed the The Goblyn Emporer. I was a little unsure about going to another disconnected story (well the story perspective is somebody from the first book, but no real going back to the original storyline), but I pretty quickly fell into listening as much as time would permit.
The whole feel of this book is different than the first installment. I have not read a lot of murder mysteries, at least since I was young and long car rides and the alphabet murder mystery with my mom), but it was enjoyable to get into it. This story feels like an old private investigator taking place in a fantasy world with elves and goblins. There is a serial killer, ghoules, and political intrigue.