Brent Sleeper rated Alive in Necropolis: 3 stars

Alive in Necropolis by Doug Dorst
A fresh, imaginative debut novel about a young police officer in northern California struggling to keep the peace and maintain …
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A fresh, imaginative debut novel about a young police officer in northern California struggling to keep the peace and maintain …
Summerland is a magical place, where the local Little League gathers to play baseball on a perfectly manicured lawn, and …
In the summer of 1985, William Styron was overtaken by persistent insomnia and a troubling sense of malaise—the first signs …
Although she would later singlehandedly create a new approach to American cuisine with her cookbook Mastering the Art of French …
“This mix of the eye-poppingly explicit and the gently lyrical is a hallmark of White’s sex writing. He asks why sex so rarely has a place in serious literature, and The Loves of My Life makes a case for all that an explicit sex scene can accomplish.”
Despite its title, Block’s book is essentially an extended gloss on the results of a survey she conducted of 164 cis (straight and queer) women, asking about their experiences, practices, and thoughts about masturbation.
And that’s why it appealed—despite the titillating “how to” book branding, the book really is a humane snapshot of one group of people’s experience with masturbation as captured by their first-person anecdotes.
The differences among the promotional synopses of this book’s various editions are super interesting and say as much about the culture of their times as the book itself.
All are technically true descriptions (if affording varying degrees of marketing effectiveness). Yet the last is frankly misleading, in that Martha is not the main or viewpoint character of the book. Her husband Austin is. Why the book’s more modern marketers made that shift in emphasis is left as an exercise to the reader.
First Edition, 1948
Taking a certain elm-shaded street in a small Middle Western town—a street whose houses appear at the present day to have shrunk in size and dignity—William Maxwell has carefully and ironically restored the trumpet vines, the red geraniums, the hanging fern baskets, and the people who of a summer evening sat on their porches, watching the fireflies and the children playing Run, Sheep, Run.
Against …
The differences among the promotional synopses of this book’s various editions are super interesting and say as much about the culture of their times as the book itself.
All are technically true descriptions (if affording varying degrees of marketing effectiveness). Yet the last is frankly misleading, in that Martha is not the main or viewpoint character of the book. Her husband Austin is. Why the book’s more modern marketers made that shift in emphasis is left as an exercise to the reader.
First Edition, 1948
Taking a certain elm-shaded street in a small Middle Western town—a street whose houses appear at the present day to have shrunk in size and dignity—William Maxwell has carefully and ironically restored the trumpet vines, the red geraniums, the hanging fern baskets, and the people who of a summer evening sat on their porches, watching the fireflies and the children playing Run, Sheep, Run.
Against this common memory, the author has projected a sensitive story about a man who has to choose, and cannot choose, between a young, idealistic girl whom he in merely anxious to help and his wife whom he loves. The dilemma that dogs his footsteps—why what he tries to do for one person too often works against what he is trying to do for someone else—Austin King does not at first recognize. He comes to understand finally when he is driven into a corner by the girl’s family, pseudo-Southerners with a gift for making friends and creating trouble wherever they go.
Time Will Darken It is both a thoughtful, realistic novel and a comedy of misused and abused hospitality. There is distinction in the writing of every sentence, and sympathy as well as concern for the deeper motives which misdirect the actions of morally ambitious people.
Vintage Reissue, 1997
When Austin King plays host to his distant Southern kinfolk, he unwittingly sets in motion events that will threaten his marriage, his law practice, and his standing in the community. For Austin’s eagerness to please his idealistic foster cousin, Nora, is all too easily mistaken for other motives—especially since Nora is all too obviously besotted with him. This book is further evidence that Maxwell is one of our national treasures.
EPUB Reissue, 2009
Pregnant with her second child, Martha King finds her marriage to lawyer Austin King more and more frustrating when her husband befriends his young foster cousin, Nora, and, in the process, unwittingly jeopardizes his marriage, career, and place in the community.
Ten slices from the life of Bobby Gold: by night, the security chief of a mobbed-up New York City nightclub, …
A price must be paid.
Elodie never dreamed of a lavish palace or a handsome prince. As she grew …
A magical island. A dangerous task. A burning secret.
Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary life. At forty, he lives …
I was fleetingly titillated by the concept of titling books with #cocktail themed double entendres, and it is with great shame that I admit I read this terribly trashy, luridly cloying, and hideously basic book with agonizing fascination.
And yet: I just spent an hour ensuring Bookwyrm had only the latest and fanciest metadata for the entire series. You’re welcome.
The Remains of the Day is the profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular …
One hundred years ago, Trieste was the chief seaport of the entire Austro-Hungarian empire, but today many people have no …
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Award, Gilead is a hymn of praise and lamentation to …