Reviews and Comments

Brent Sleeper

Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

I am reading here until I can export my account to my local #SanFrancisco Bookwyrm!

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Edmund White: The Loves of My Life (Hardcover, 2025, Bloomsbury) No rating

From the legendary author Edmund White, a stunning, revelatory memoir of a lifetime of gay …

Jenny Block, Betty Dodson: The Ultimate Guide to Solo Sex (EBook, 2016, Cleis Press) 2 stars

Everything you need to know about self-pleasure

Whether by yourself, or with a partner, masturbation …

Survey says

2 stars

Despite its title, Block’s book is essentially an extended gloss on the results of a survey she conducted of 164 cis (straight and queer) women, asking about their experiences, practices, and thoughts about masturbation.

And that’s why it appealed—despite the titillating “how to” book branding, the book really is a humane snapshot of one group of people’s experience with masturbation as captured by their first-person anecdotes.

William Maxwell: Time Will Darken It (Hardcover, 1948, Harper & Brothers) 4 stars

Taking a certain elm-shaded street in a small Middle Western town—a street whose houses appear …

The differences among the promotional synopses of this book’s various editions are super interesting and say as much about the culture of their times as the book itself.

All are technically true descriptions (if affording varying degrees of marketing effectiveness). Yet the last is frankly misleading, in that Martha is not the main or viewpoint character of the book. Her husband Austin is. Why the book’s more modern marketers made that shift in emphasis is left as an exercise to the reader.

First Edition, 1948

Taking a certain elm-shaded street in a small Middle Western town—a street whose houses appear at the present day to have shrunk in size and dignity—William Maxwell has carefully and ironically restored the trumpet vines, the red geraniums, the hanging fern baskets, and the people who of a summer evening sat on their porches, watching the fireflies and the children playing Run, Sheep, Run.

Against …

reviewed Wallbanger by Alice Clayton (The Cocktail Series, #1)

Alice Clayton: Wallbanger (EBook, 2013, Gallery Books) 3 stars

The first night after Caroline moves into her fantastic new San Francisco apartment, she realizes …

It’s the appletini of smut

2 stars

I was fleetingly titillated by the concept of titling books with #cocktail themed double entendres, and it is with great shame that I admit I read this terribly trashy, luridly cloying, and hideously basic book with agonizing fascination.

And yet: I just spent an hour ensuring Bookwyrm had only the latest and fanciest metadata for the entire series. You’re welcome.

commented on Bobby Gold by Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain: Bobby Gold (Paperback, 2018, Cannongate Books) 3 stars

Ten slices from the life of Bobby Gold: by night, the security chief of a …

I’m experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance reading New York voices with British punctuation and orthography. It’s interesting to me that the U.K. version of Bourdain’s book was the first edition published.