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Joined 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Avid reader since childhood. Recently discovered fantasy but generally enjoy general fiction, mystery, natural distaster, scifi and historical fiction. Occasionally dabble in smut if feeling cute.

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Brianna's books

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2025 Reading Goal

3% complete! Brianna has read 1 of 30 books.

Sarah J. Maas: Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2) 4 stars

The Reveals I'd Been Waiting For

5 stars

This one was harder to put down than the first in the series. Finally what I suspected came to fruition. I was still sad that Nehemia died in the first book (not a spoiler if you read the first in the series), and there were moments in this book that made my palms sweat. I will never get sick of female characters being underestimated and being insanely badass and murdering a bunch of people ruthlessly.

reviewed Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #1)

Sarah J. Maas: Throne of Glass (Paperback, 2013, Bloomsbury) 4 stars

Two Men Love Her The Whole World Fears Her Only She Can Save Them All …

Slow Burn Fantasy

4 stars

Wasn't sure what to think at first. I'm not a huge fantasy fan, but I wanted to give this series a try based on recommendations. Enjoyed the book, enjoyed the plot. Was very excited to get into the second book once this one ended. The ending of this book finally showcases the badassery of the main character, and I would have liked to see that a tad earlier in the book. But the timing served it's purpose and I immediately bought the second in the series.