Cam quoted The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand
Men are socialized by patriarchal capitalism to believe that anything that isn’t strictly quantifiable, “scientific,” or profitable can’t possibly be helpful. They are trained again and again to outsource their feeling sense. Men are exiled from the very practices that could help them knock upon their own door and get in touch with their true vocations and self-expression.
[...] Modern intuitive practices have become pastel-colored social media campaigns. They offer advice on how to adjust to oppression by creating “peace” in your life. These practices are performed by clean, skinny women telling us to try harder and buy more crystals. This isn’t about finding ourselves. This is about pretending we can buy ourselves.
[...] When we knock upon ourselves, we find that we don’t exist in a digital vacuum. Our inner voice isn’t so inner. It’s a call and response with the world through our senses.
— The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand (59% - 60%)