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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

he/him/his I'm middle-aging and trying not to get stuck in my ways. I tend to like and read #fiction, #fantasy, #scifi.

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cannotbechanged's books

Currently Reading

reviewed The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #2)

Patrick Rothfuss: The Wise Man’s Fear (Hardcover, 2011, Daw Books) 4 stars

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with …

Review of 'The Wise Man’s Fear' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a very good book. I was reading the first book as this one was being published and went straight into reading this book. I went from years of not reading to reading 2000 pages in relatively short order (couple of weeks) and came away very satisfied. It might have been wise for me to pace myself a little more though.

Don't read this book until you read the first book. Then you won't really need me to tell you whether or not you should read this book.

reviewed Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Ready Player One, #1)

Ernest Cline, Ernest Cline: Ready Player One (Paperback, 2011, Crown Publishers) 4 stars

Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American …

Review of 'Ready Player One' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book took me much too long to read for how good it is. [a:Ernest Cline|31712|Ernest Cline|] really did a great job with this book, and despite it starting slow for me, and me being a slow reader, once the hook got set I couldn't stop reading until the story was finished.

reviewed The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)

Patrick Rothfuss: The Name of the Wind (Hardcover, 2007, DAW Books, Inc., Distributed by Penguin Group (USA) Inc.) 4 stars

"The tale of Kvothe, from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, to years …

Review of 'The Name of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I really like this book. I'm not the first to really like this book, nor will I be the last, and nor should you. If you have yet to read this book, and you like fiction (especially fantasy) find a copy to read.