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Assuming a body by Gayle Salamon
We believe we know our bodies intimately, that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an …
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We believe we know our bodies intimately, that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an …
A new manifesto for cyberfeminism: finding liberation in the glitch between body, gender, and technology
The divide between the digital …
What a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planet
Matsutake is the most valuable mushroom …
We believe we know our bodies intimately, that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an …
Attachment theory has entered the mainstream, but most discussions focus on how we can cultivate secure monogamous relationships. What if, …
A new manifesto for cyberfeminism: finding liberation in the glitch between body, gender, and technology
The divide between the digital …
Spinning is a graphic novel memoir by cartoonist Tillie Walden that was first published by First Second Books on September …
Amazing book. Admittedly I hadn't been reading enough work by people of color. This was really grounding, and validating. I think everyone should read this, and it may be leading to the next book I read.
loving. it's helping me explore more serious the impact of whiteness in my life, and certain learned behaviors I am trying to undo when I exist in white spaces. also i'm feeling inspired to write one day? who knows i'm wild.
Why did humans abandon hunting and gathering for sedentary communities dependent on livestock and cereal grains, and governed by precursors …
We believe we know our bodies intimately, that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an …
What a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planet
Matsutake is the most valuable mushroom …