Aldous Huxley: Aldous Huxley's Brave new world (2003) 4 stars

Brave New World is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley, …

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4 stars

What a sad book :-(. One gets the dystopia of 1984, but the situation is not as dire, yet it's still horrible! And of course, all of chapter 17 is an attempt to bring people to Christianity, but I guess that's not the overall point of the book, although conversion does appear to be a prominent goal.
Of course, this is quite a classic of which I had heard frequently, but I had never read it. "Man believes in God only because he has been [so] conditioned." As a nonbeliever, I am in total agreement with that statement, but not the circumstance in this book.
The book was written in 1932 which was clearly before current technology and medicine and science, but the disdain of the "civilized" characters for science and the abuse of technology is painful.
It IS a good book, but the lessons are perhaps none those intended by Mr. Huxley. I'm glad I read it, but I'm also glad to be done.