Noel Castree, Greigh Charnock, Brett Christophers: David Harvey (Paperback, Routledge) No rating

David Harvey is among the most influential Marxist thinkers of the last half century. This …

Lanchester (2016) asked [Danny] Dorling to resolve something that had been puzzling him, asking 'why, when I was at school, geography was about the shapes of rivers, but now all the best-known geographers seem to be Marxists'? Dorling's answer was illuminating as Lanchester's question. He (no Marxist) conceeded that 'when you look at a map and see that the people on the side of some line are rich and healthy and long-lived and the people on the other side are poor and sick and die young, you start to wonder why, and that turns you towards deep-casual explanations, which then lead in the direction of Marxism'

David Harvey by , , (Page 115)