charlottereadstoo rated Every Heart a Doorway: 5 stars

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (Wayward Children, #1)
Every Heart a Doorway is a novella by American writer Seanan McGuire, the first in the Wayward Children series. It …
I’m trying to read all the books I can get my grabby gremlin hands on.
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Every Heart a Doorway is a novella by American writer Seanan McGuire, the first in the Wayward Children series. It …
A távoli jövőben, egy még távolibb bolygón… A hajszőnyegszövők időtlen idők óta gyártják szőnyegeiket a császárnak – feleségeik és lányaik …
Wow wow wow
I didn't really start enjoying this book until 3/4 of the way through, Alice is definitely my favourite character though. I'm really not sure if I'll continue the least not any time soon.
In a land where three suns almost never set, a fledgling killer joins a school of assassins, seeking vengeance against …
Sophia was made for him. Her perfect husband. She can feel it in her bones. He is perfect. Their home …
Margaret Willow has never met an eleven-year-old as dangerous as Natalie Glasgow. Natalie spends her days comatose, but at night …
"In the second volume of the Southern Reach Trilogy, questions are answered, stakes are raised, and mysteries are deepened. In …
In the quiet suburbs, while Dorothy is doing chores and waiting for her husband to come home from work, not …
Some inhabitants of a peaceful kingdom cannot tolerate the act of cruelty that underlies its happiness.
One hot summer night, best friends Lourdes, Fernanda, Ana, Perla, and Pauline hold a séance. It's all fun and games …
A cautionary short story about the dangers of unexamined traditions and the dark side of human nature.