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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

I'm a health guide, lecturer, reiki healer, and a constant learner of new, applicable, and useful knowledge! Mostly the kind that makes our lives more fullfiling. 🧙‍♀️

I like to play tabletop roleplaying games and am struggling to succeed at PhotoReading. 🙂

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Chloris's books

To Read (View all 6)

Currently Reading

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Deepak Chopra: Nonviolent Communication (EBook, 2015, Puddledancer Press) 5 stars

What is Violent Communication?

If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or …

An essential reading for every human being

5 stars

Did you know most conflicts are caused by not properly communicating every side's needs? Perhaps not even knowing what your needs really are!

This book lays out simple procedures to change the status quo. It teaches you to find the needs, and express them in a way that isn't threatening to the other side. You will also learn how to deal with people who aren't willing to hear you by using empathy (probably the most surprising procedure in the book).

The author dedicated his life to this and it shows. An extremely high-value book. Get it.

Thomas Seyfried: Cancer As a Metabolic Disease (2012, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John) 5 stars

Incredible book of "forbidden" knowledge

5 stars

It's a difficult and very scientific book, but it goes out to make a point much unknown in the current world. Once you see the evidence, you realize the cause of cancer is very unlikely to be genetics (the current mainstream dogma), but rather metabolism.

Cancer is very dependent on one's metabolism and way of eating, and this should be used as the first step of any prevention or treatment, and definitely used in conjunction with all compatible conventional treatments. The effectiveness has been demonstrated. Why is it not done worldwide?

Ellen Davis MS, Keith Runyan MD: The Ketogenic Diet for Type 1 Diabetes 4 stars

Uncovering something everyone should know

4 stars

Did you know type two diabetes can be reversed? Did you know the dangers of type one diabetes can be significantly reduced? No? Perhaps you should read this book.

Every physician should know this, but they almost never do. I don't agree with every aspect of this book, especially not the vegetable part, but it is a step in the right direction.

reviewed The vegetarian myth by Lierre Keith

Lierre Keith: The vegetarian myth (2009) 4 stars

The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability is a 2009 book by Lierre Keith published …

The stones left unturned. Why?

5 stars

The book is full of information, that should be awfully obvious to anyone having at least a garden. On the other hand, the world is being taken over by veganism, which claims to be world-saving and to cause the least (or even no!) suffering.

The problem is all of the above statements are false. Agriculture is not sustainable and the production of vegan food causes much suffering, from animal suffering to destroying whole ecosystems. This is something anyone can notice once they bring their attention to it.

If you care about your health, this world, and suffering of all living creatures, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

Vadim Zeland, Joanna Dobson: Reality transurfing. Steps I-V (Paperback, 2016, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

An unorganized mess full of important information

4 stars

The book is needlessly thick and expensive for what it tries to communicate. It's metaphysics, but you don't have to believe in it. In my opinion, the models and the ways of thinking it sets up are incredibly useful, even when one does not believe a thing and regards everything as a placebo effect - one that is in your control.

In summary: be aware of what you keep in your mind. Choose wisely, and your life will be better for it. Be vary of big things (the pendulum model). They are big for a reason, and want to get bigger still. Play your own game, set your own rules. Reconcile your conscious mind and your subconsciousness (heart). And definitely don't hold the world by its throat.

Tony Buzan: Use Your Head (Paperback, 2003, BBC Active) 5 stars

A must read for any student

5 stars

Every teacher wants to fill us up with information, but rare are the ones who teach us how to effectively receive it and retain it.

Are you regularly receiving new information you'd like to retain? Look no further. Pick up the book and read it. You'll be grateful for the rest of your life.

Ryder Carroll: The Bullet Journal Method (Hardcover, 2018, Portfolio) 4 stars

For years Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, Online and off, but none of them …

Want to live an intential and fulfilling life? This is a must-read.

5 stars

The book presents a simple, but flexible, system, which is actually a mindfulness practice. Have all the important data in one place. Don't forget important events. Write things down before you do them to mitigate impulsive decisions (I'm a master of those). Set goals for the day/month, and define priorities (goals, not obligations!).

Reflect on the past to notice patterns. Only once you notice something you don't like, you can take action on it. This is the most important part of the system, in my opinion. In addition, it also makes you notice things you did well, a very important practice.

In the old days, you used to depend on interruptions. Now interruptions depend on you. 💪